How Big Are Cocker Spaniels? [Answered]

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According to the American Kennel Registration data, the Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular dog breed.

They are medium-sized sporting canines that are the smallest in the sporting group.

This article will teach you about the Cocker Spaniel development chart, what to expect as they grow, what variables affect their growth, how to prevent health problems in them, and much more.

Cocker Spaniels are well-known for their lively, bright personalities, and they make excellent companions.

These canines are classified as either American or English Cocker Spaniels.

These two categories have similar beginnings and are sometimes confused.

How Big Are Cocker Spaniels?
How Big Are Cocker Spaniels

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When Do Cocker Spaniels Reach Adulthood?

Have you recently adopted a puppy and are wondering when cocker spaniels reach their adult size?

The size of a fully grown dog has an impact on whether or not you’ve chosen the best companion for you.

Cockers, like humans, develop at their own pace, but they attain full maturity between the ages of nine and twelve months.

By the age of eighteen to twenty-four months, their muscularity is fully developed.

A fully grown male Spaniel stands between 15.5 and 16 inches (39 cm to 41.5 cm) tall.

While a fully mature female stands between 15 and 15.5 inches (37 to 39 cm) tall.

By the age of 9 to 12 months, a cocker spaniel has reached full size.

They reach their maximum weight by the age of 24 months and can maintain it for the rest of their lives if they exercise and eat properly.

A fully mature male Spaniel can weigh anywhere from 7 to 14 kg.

Cocker Spaniel Growth Stages

2 Weeks After Birth

Puppies spend the most of their time sleeping during this stage, focusing all of their energy on growing.

They may utilize their senses of touch and scent to identify their moms from birth.

They require milk every two hours to aid with their rapid growth.

3 Weeks to 12 Weeks

Because their eyes open and they begin to stand up, the first two to four weeks are a transitional period.

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Their teeth erupt, and they learn to relieve themselves by moving away from their mother.

With whines, moans, and barks, they begin to increase their language.

They start to be independent, play with their littermates, and regulate their body temperature in the third week.

They begin to socialize and accept those around them as family and friends at the age of four to twelve weeks.

As their mental development progresses, infants require more nutrition than can be obtained through their mother’s milk.

At this point, they can be adopted.

4 to 9 Months

By the fourth month, the Cocker spaniel has reached sexual maturity and is highly curious about the world around them.

They appear to get into anything that comes their way and have endless energy.

Puppies fight between the ages of four and six months, expressing fear, aggression, and testing boundaries while also dealing with territorial concerns.

At this point, these actions are normal and offer no danger.

They go through emotional immaturity in the same way that adolescents do.

Females may experience their first period.

10 to 18 Months

A Spaniel puppy will have reached full maturity at this point.

They are completely developed, with mental and emotional traits. By the time they are twelve months old, they will have reached their maximum height.


Cocker spaniels reach their maximum weight by the age of 24 months and live for an average of 12 to 15 years.

The Cocker Spaniel is a gregarious breed that requires constant activity.

As a result, they should be kept busy at all times.

What is the maximum size of a Cocker Spaniel?

There are a few things you can do to forecast your Cocker Spaniel’s final size.

To begin, look at the growth chart included in this post.

Second, you can use your dog’s parents to make educated guesses about what he will become in the future.

For further information, talk to your breeder.

Your cocker spaniel will probably be about the same size as his parents.

You can also examine his paws, as dogs’ paws tend to grow into them over time.

So if his paws are much larger than the rest of his body, you know he still has a lot of growing to do.

A DNA test has also been shown to be effective in predicting your dog’s size because it provides an accurate record of your dog’s genealogy.

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Cocker spaniel weigh between 13 and 15 kg as adults.

Will neutering/spaying my Cocker Spaniel affect his or her growth?

Dogs’ growth has been known to be affected by spaying and neutering.

Testosterone is important for male dogs’ growth, and neutering might interrupt this process, resulting in major health problems later on.

It is preferable to wait a time before neutering them.

Spaying and neutering, on the other hand, has numerous advantages.

When dogs are castrated, for example, they are less likely to get prostate cancer and are less aggressive.

Neutering a cocker spaniel can result in a more affectionate and happy dog.

You can avoid unwanted babies in female dogs, as well as lower the danger of uterine and breast cancer.

When you neuter your female dog, you lower the chance of uterine infections.

She may also become less aggressive following spaying.

Size Chart for Cocker Spaniels

Because Cocker spaniels are little dogs who grow quickly, it’s crucial to keep track of their growth with a height chart.

By draping a flexible measuring tape from the ground to their withers, you can determine their height.

The highest part of their shoulder blades is called the withers.

Cocker spaniels grow to be 15 to 16 inches tall in adulthood for males and 15 to 15.5 inches tall for females who are believed to be a little smaller.

How Do You Weigh And Measure A Cocker Spaniel Correctly?

Cocker spaniels are smaller dogs, so getting them on a scale to weigh them as they grow is easy.

All you have to do now is keep them still on your bathroom scale and weigh them.

However, they may grow too large for the scale at some point.

In that situation, things become a little more complicated, but it is not impossible.

Simply go upon the scales and record your weight.

Then, while holding your Working Cocker Spaniel, step on the scale.

The difference between those two measurements is your Cocker Spaniel’s weight.

What Is The Neck Size Of A Cocker Spaniel?

In order to get the right collar for your dog, you must first determine his neck size.

You don’t want a color that’s too loose or too tight on your skin.

Your dog will be uncomfortable if the collar is too tight, and it may even create health concerns.

The term “slack” refers to the collar’s ability to come undone at any time.

This is why determining your springer spaniel neck size is critical.

Simply put a measuring tape around your cocker spaniel’s neck, exactly where the color will be placed, to determine his neck size.

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Then, with two fingers below, check to see if it’s too loose or too tight.

Factors Affecting Cocker Spaniel Puppy Development


Your puppy’s growth is heavily influenced by genetics or what is your spaniel breed is.

If you want to know how big the puppy you can get or your english cocker spaniel, look at the size of the parents.

Genetic diseases can affect the Cocker spaniel.

Eye problems, blood disorders, back problems, knee problems, epilepsy, and skin illnesses are the most prevalent hereditary abnormalities seen in these dogs.


The cocker spaniel’s growth is influenced by his diet or the dog food he usually ate.

They require nutritious food during their growing stage since non-nutritious food can influence their development and growth.

The best way to determine your Spaniel’s proper diet is to consult with their veterinarian, who can assist you in determining the optimal diet for your puppy’s development.

Health and Physical Activity

Every dog’s overall health depends on its ability to exercise.

With plenty of activity, playtime, and fun, your American Cocker spaniel puppy will thrive.

Training, on the other hand, should be mild on developing muscles, joints, and bones.

This is due to the fact that they are prone to injuries in their early stages of growth.

Mental and physical activity can help them grow by stimulating their bodies and minds.

Cocker Spaniels can become obese if they do not get enough exercise and eat unhealthy foods.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are cocker spaniels small or medium breed?

The English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized dog with large ears and a cheerful demeanor.
The term “Cocker” stems from their days of hunting woodcock in England, though English Cockers have also been employed to hunt a variety of other birds.

Is a Cocker Spaniel a medium or large dog?

Cocker Spaniel (English) English Cocker Spaniels are medium-sized, well-balanced dogs.
Their coats are flat and silky with plenty of feathering on the front legs.

Are cocker spaniels big barkers?

Because Cocker Spaniels are high-strung, talkative dogs, they are especially prone to developing a habit of barking at delivery personnel.
Because this habit is self-rewarding, it might be difficult to eliminate.

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