Cocker Spaniel

How To Clean A Cocker Spaniels Ears? [7 Easy Steps]

Cleaning your Cocker Spaniel’s ears on a regular basis (at least weekly) is necessary to keep them healthy and clear of infection and sickness.

Ear infection are excruciatingly painful and difficult to treat.

Their pendulous nature causes their ears to drag across the ground, gathering up trash and following through who knows what.

Cocker ear are prone to infections because the ear flap covers over the ear canal, trapping warm damp air inside.

However, keeping them well-brushed and clean will assist to prevent illness in the first place, keeping them bacteria-free and healthy.

Why don’t you give these 7 easy techniques for cleaning your dog’s ears a try to avoid dog ear infection?

They’d be simple to incorporate into your Cocker’s daily grooming practice.

How To Clean A Cocker Spaniels Ears?

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Is it necessary to clean the ears of a cocker spaniel?

Breeds with droopy ears, such as Cocker Spaniels and Basset Hound, will require more frequent ear cleaning.

Since, they are more susceptible to ear infections.

Because floppy ears allow less airflow or debris and moisture to pass that can easily be trapped on the ear canal, resulting in a yeast infection inside.

Cleaning Supplies for Cocker Spaniel Ears!

It’s a good idea to have the following items on hand before you start cleaning your dog’s ears:

  • a cotton wool ball or two cotton ball;
  • (optional) cotton buds
  • a few tissue boxes;
  • a pair of tweezers with a blunt tip;
  • scissors with a blunt tip;
  • a nice ear cleaning solution for the ears;
  • a little plate;
  • medicated ear powder or ear wax
  • a few snacks for a good-behaving Cocker Spaniel

In most respectable pet stores, you’ll find a variety of excellent ear cleaning products, but one or two of them may be drying to the ear.

It’s just a matter of time with trial and error at this point in time.

Use a brand you know and trust, or ask your veterinarian for a product recommendation.

Cleaning the Ears of a Cocker Spaniel

Step 1: Wash your hands first.

Ear disorders may be rather persistent once they’ve established themselves, so there’s no use in taking chances when it comes to your Cocker’s health because of their floppy ears!

To avoid introducing bacteria from your hands to your dog’s ears, fully wash your hands before cleaning his ears.

Step 2: Examine Your Dog’s Ears Closely

Request that your Cocker sit as you examine the inside of each ear to look for ear mites.

They should be clean and pink, with no waxy discharge and no odor.

So long as there’s no disagreeable odor, a little brown or blackish/brown wax is good.

Step 3: Clean His Ears With A Cleaning Solution

Squeeze a few drops of your preferred ear cleaner into your pet’s ear to ear wash and massage the base of his ear for a minute or two.

Cocker likes this part and will let rub him for a long time.

But beware: if you stop massaging his ears, he’ll most likely shake his head and cover you in solution and wax!

Step 4: Cleaning Cocker Spaniel Ears Externally

Pour a few drops of solution into a small, clean dish (the lid of an old jam jar works good, just remember to sterilize it beforehand with hot water) for cleaning your dog’s ears (externally, around the exterior of the ear canal).

Dip a cotton wool ball into the solution and squeeze out any excess.

If you prefer, you can use a cotton bud, but make sure you don’t go any deeper than you can see.

Rub your Cocker Spaniel’s ears gently to remove any remaining used wax, dirt, or solution and shaken out after the previous cleaning to make it clean, comfortable and avoid odor problems and infections.

Remove as much dirt and debris from his fur as you can, working from the inside of the ear out to the outside border.

Tips: When cleaning your pet’s ears using cotton buds, be careful not to press the bud too far into the ear, as this can cause serious damage to the ear drum.

No poking! Only clean the region of the inner ear that can easily be seen.

Step 5: Clean the Ear’s Folded Parts

Gently clean the folded areas of your Cocker’s ears with a cotton bud dipped in the ear-wash solution.

Now is the moment to employ a medicated powder if you’ve decided to do so.

Step 6: Make Sure Your Cocker Spaniel’s Ears Are Dry

Bacteria thrive in a warm, moist environment, so be sure to fully dry his ears after washing them to help keep bacteria at away.

Remove any remaining ear-wash solution and/or medicinal powder using a dry tissue or cotton bud.

Step 7: Trim Your Cocker Spaniel’s Ears

Getting rid of the excess hair surrounding your dog’s ear openings will assist the air move easier inside the ear canal.

If the hair is extremely waxy, you may need to add a puff or two of medicinal powder to assist you hold it.

The more air you can circulate, the higher your chances of reducing moisture levels in your dog’s ears, and so creating a less bacterial breeding ground.

Cleaning the Ears of a Cocker Spaniel: General Pointers

When cleaning your dog’s ear, resist the urge to use the same cotton wool ball or cotton bud in both ears.

To prevent cross infection or ear problem from one ear to the other, throw it away after each use.

While you’re working, talk calmly to your Cocker to keep him calm and reassured.

When you’re done, congratulate him and give him one of his favorite goodies if he kept (mostly) quiet and behaved himself throughout.

Following the above instructions will keep your beautiful Cocker dog ears healthy and clear of mites, germs, yeast, and viruses, which could otherwise cause significant infection and agony for your guy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often should you clean cocker spaniel ears?

A good rule of thumb is to do it once a month.
Ear cleaning may be required every other week, or even weekly, for breeds with long, floppy ears or dogs who swim frequently.
Make sure your dog’s ears are completely dry after washing or swimming.

What can I use to clean my dog’s ears at home?

Dr. Nelson informs Rover that a 50/50 combination of distilled water and white vinegar is a suitable at-home choice if your dog doesn’t have an ear infection and merely needs their ear flap cleaned. She claims that this preventative treatment can help avoid infection in an otherwise healthy ear.

How do I keep my cocker spaniels ears healthy?

Bathe your cocker spaniel once a month or so, making sure to keep excess moisture out of its ears. Excess moisture in the ear canal can aggravate or possibly create existing accumulation and irritation.

John Valdez

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