Here at spanielking, we like to feature real life stories about other Spaniels and their owners. This post is all about Lucy the Rescue Cavalier.
We’d like to reflect on the amazing life Lucy has led. The caring owner who saved her, and the lessons we have learned after hearing her horror story for the first time.
Table of Contents
All about Lucy the Rescue Cavalier
Lucy was kept on a puppy farm and used as a breeding dog. She had several litters of puppies and had been used simply as a money-making venture.
She had been neglected, which showed in both her appearance and her health. Fortunately, she was adopted by her PA aka mummy in March 2013.

The trauma of puppy farms.
Puppy Farms are a horrible place for any dog. Lucy was kept in a small area and forced to sit in her own urine and feces. This caused discoloration of her fur as well as bald patches. She also suffered from fused hips and an arched back. Prior to being rescued Lucy weighed a mere 3.5 kg which is less than half of what most cavaliers weigh.

When Lucy was rescued she was scared and nervous around humans. It took her some time to adjust and realize that her forever home was a place that she would be safe and cared for.
Despite her ongoing health concerns Lucy is now a very happy dog, working to raise awareness about the devastating effects of puppy farming.
She didn’t escape the trauma completely trouble free, however. Lucy suffers from dry eyeand epilepsy but has come so far from where she was six years ago on the puppy farm.
Lucy’s campaign to raise awareness of the horrors of puppy farms and the benefits of rescue dogs.
Lucy and her mummy are on a mission to raise awareness. And there’s no stopping them! Lucy the Rescue Cavalier is a survivor and a hero.
She has her own Facebook page and uses it to help raise awareness and to be the voicefor other dogs who have been or currently are in the situation she was in.
Lucy was one of the lucky ones as her new mummy had seen her picture on a rescue center website and immediately fell in love with her. She sent treats and clothes to the center for Lucy so that she could help Lucy to feel better while still at the center. Then she was able to adopt Lucy and go and pick her up!
They celebrated the start of Lucy’s new life with a little party and Lucy got to meet her new friends at the house. There is so much happiness in Lucy’s life now; she gets to run and play and sleep without fear. Her new mummy is amazing and spoils her with outings such as tea parties and costumes at Halloween. Lucy truly is one of the family.
Lucy and her mummy support the adoption of pets rather than buying them so that other puppies are not put through the same rigors that she was.
Lucy does so much to help raise awareness and of course, her new mummy helps out too. Last year they created a calendar and all of the proceeds from sales went to support Pup Aid, C.A.R.A.I.D, Friends Of the Animals Rescue and The Oldies Club.
We think deep down, anyone considering purchasing a dog would prefer to rescue one. However there are often concerns as to their personality, or perhaps people just feel more comfortable raising a dog from a puppy. Hopefully you can see from this story that rescue dogs make loving pets too.
Lucy’s work with PupAid.
Pup Aid is an organization that aims to educate every member of the British public that there are better ways to get a dog. Either by adopting from a rescue shelter or purchasing from a responsible breeder.
They raise awareness through an annual dog show on international Puppy farming Awareness Day. This show is organized by a group of dog-loving volunteers.
PupAid hopes that through education they can finally end the horrific practice of puppy farms.
The center continues to educate people about the negative effects and horrific conditions of puppy farms and Lucy wants to do all she can to contribute.
Lucy the Cavaliers current projects. How you can help.
Lucy and her mommy are also working on some new projects to raise money which will be used to create awareness.
She has a great website where you can find out all about what she’s up to. It’s also worth mentioning that Lucy has her own newsletter called Lucy’s Lifestyle which you can sign up to and be emailed her latest news.
There are even plans for Lucy to open her own online shop. Donating a portion of the sales and raising even more awareness rescue dogs. It seems that Lucy is becoming somewhat of a entrepawneur.
Though Lucy has led a hard life she is not meant to stay in the shadows any longer. She is a hero who works hard along with her mummy to be in the spotlight so that she can take what has happened to her and turn her experiences into good. She will educate others and help put a stop to the abuse handed down at the hands of puppy farmers.
Lucy the Rescue Cavaliers awards.
having won many awards Lucy is not just a rescue cavalier. Lucy is a hero.
She’s the winner of the following awards:
- Heroic Hound Award 2014 (The National pet Show)
- Hero Award (Dogfest in conjunction with Dogs Today magazine)
- The Mirrors Rescue Animal of the Year award 2016
Lucy’s Celebrity lifestyle.
While there are many Famous Cavalier King Charles Spaniel owners. Lucy the Rescue Cavalier is quickly becoming a famous Cavalier.
Having a plethora of celebrity friends willing to give her a hug at any opportunity. Lucy is not afraid of the camera.
She’s been photographed posing with some big hitters of the doggy and celebrity world.

Supervet – Noel Fitzpatrik

For the Love of Dogs Presenter – Paul O’Grady

Britain’s Got Talent Judge – Amanda Holden

Rock Legend and Queen’s Lead Guitarist – Brian May
Lucy’s life truly has changed for the better and it’s all thanks to her lovely caring mum, who made the decision to adopt / rescue and not buy a puppy. Perhaps that’s a decision we should all at least consider.
Press coverage of Lucy
Lucy has been featured in many press articles and stories, here are just a few:
- Lucy The Rescue Cavalier – Animal Hero Awards
- Cavalier spaniel Lucy is named Britain’s most heroic dog with 3,000 Facebook followers and will star in its own calendar
- Cute Cavalier spaniel Lucy becomes a movie calendar girl!
Follow Lucy the Rescue Cavalier.
We’re sure you will agree that Lucy is pretty inspirational.
You can find out loads more about her here:
Official website:
Facebook page:
Have you Rescued a Dog?
We’d love to hear your story in the comments below.
Tragically, little Lucy passed away yesterday, 8 December, in the afternoon after a sudden illness that started on Sunday at a specialist vet in Solihull. Needless to say how devastated we all are as she was such a character and a true superstar. Thoughts are with her lovely family
Hi, we had been following Lucy’s progress on Facebook and were hoping that she’d make a full recovery. It was lovely to see how many people cared about Lucy but obviously very sad that she was not able to pull through. She has done so much to raise awareness of puppy farming and I’m sure her mummy will continue that good work. A lovely dog and we’ll keep this post in memory to her and everything she achieved.