Our curious fur babies have an annoying habit of sticking their adorable snouts in places they shouldn’t, but are spider bites on Dogs Dangerous?
As much as we don’t wish to deny our dog’s ability to have a good old sniff around, we have to be aware that there may be some nasty nippers lurking.
We can take much comfort in knowing most spider’s fangs are far too tiny to penetrate the skin, let alone through the thick fur of a dog. However, there are some nasty little arachnids that can do just that and more.
Depending on which part of the world you are from, the consequences of a Spider Biting your Dog can vary greatly. A spider bite to a dog in England would be very different to a spider bite in Australia for example, especially depending on the species of Spider.
Some spiders are extremely venomous and have the potential to cause lots of harm, huge vet bills or in extreme circumstances death, while others are relatively harmless.
Having a knowledge of what species are native to your area is paramount to having the knowledge to be able to act quickly.
For example, in America, the Black Widow and the Brown Recluse are pretty much the only two species of spider which could be a real threat to your dog.
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What does a dog bite look like on a dog?
As the majority of a dogs body is covered in fur it can be a little tricky identifying a Spider bite on a Dog.
Unless your pooch is paying particular attention to its paw, for example, any fur covered wound could easily go undetected and become infected.
If your Dogs acting weird, try and spot if there are fang marks around the area that is causing your dog pain, but it’s probably wise to take a trip to the Vet to confirm.

Symptoms of a spider bite on a dog?
Herein lies the problem with identifying symptoms of a spider bite on Dogs. A lot of symptoms that come from spider bites can cover a plethora of issues which could be totally unrelated.
If your pooch were to receive a bite from certain spiders the symptoms would be obvious.
It is likely if your dog gets bitten it will let out a very audible whine or yelp in pain and may start licking or pawing at the affected area.
This is where it will be a little harder to define what has happened as there are many insects or creatures which may have caused this, bees, wasps, hornets or a plethora of other creepy crawlies.
If it is a part of your dog where there is very little fur, you should be able to identify the wound as having two fang marks.
The bitten area will likely become inflamed and painful and If left untreated your dog could have serious problems.
Depending on the spider, as the venom works its way through your dog’s system it will make his pulse race, the pain will increase with potential to cause fits, difficulty breathing, and if severe enough; death.
How to treat a spider bite on a dog?
Again, it really depends on the type of spider that has bitten your dog. A common house pet such as a Tarantula is far less likely to cause any significant problems vs a black widow for example.
While it’s unlikely you could catch the spider that bit your Dog (and probably inadvisable) if you can take a photo of the Spider in question, it may help the Vet identify the type and thus the correct anti-venom to use.
Some bites may take a little longer to show any symptoms than others, but if you live in an area where venomous spiders inhabit and you think your Dog may have been bitten, the best advice is to get straight to the vets.
The vet will likely clip the fur around the area if need be, and apply a cold press to the bite. This, as you can imagine, will provide some relief from the painful area.
The vet will be able to do plenty to make your dog more comfortable during his or her stay. They will likely receive an IV which will provide fluids and something for the pain. Possible medication to prevent further seizures.
Blood will be taken and sent to be looked at so they can see what’s going on.
If treated quickly the prognosis for your pooch should be good.
If you do not believe that your baby has been bitten by a highly venomous spider; home care and first aid should be sufficient.
Applying a cold press to the bite, and keeping your dog calm is a great start.
What happens if a dog eats a spider?
You can rest easy knowing that any 8 legged little beasties will not likely cause any damage to your dog after it has been swallowed. Your dog’s digestive system will usually deal with the spider naturally without any issue.
However, depending on where you are in the world, the risk of a spider bite varies, thus if you suspect your Dog has digested a Spider, a quick trip to the vet would be advisable.
In Summary
Knowing which breeds of venomous spiders are in your area will go a long way to saving precious time in allowing you to possibly identify and know what to expect if your dog is bitten.
If you do not live in an area where there are venomous species of spider, then home first aid should be sufficient for your dog, keeping an eye on them, making sure they don’t show any signs of an allergic reaction or generally acting poorly.
If you do live in an area where venomous spiders are present or have concerns about the well-being of your canine pal, then it would be best to get to your vet as soon as possible.